Finding a Fertile Calm through Chaos

Calm vs Panic signs with blurred beach background

  It’s difficult to make sense of things right now. The world is awash with a frantic sense of chaos. The space that we find ourselves in has sparked a lot of fear, anger, panic and grief. Various industries have come to a standstill, ‘social distancing’ is a new norm. It has completely disrupted life… Continue reading Finding a Fertile Calm through Chaos

The Power of Community

Cheers, dear readers,   Recently, I had the pleasure of having lunch with my fantastic new friend Sarah that I met through the Global Sisterhood. We originally met back in Vancouver when six brave childfree-not-by-choice women traveled literally from around the globe to be together. Why did we do such a thing? Why did a… Continue reading The Power of Community

May ’15

The Conceive Incubator


What a whirlwind the last 45 days have been. Each and every minute of my time and effort has gone into planning the Conceive JLT launch event. May 5th 2015 dawned and naturally I was a nervous wreck as all aspects of the launch came together and culminated into the 3 hours of the event. And what a 3 hours those were!

The Conceive JLT clinic had a thundering reception and was celebrated with much pomp and splendor. The clinic was inaugurated by His Highness Shaikh Saaed Maktoum Juma Al Maktoum and by Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman of DMCC. We also had the privilege of having Mr Tayyeb Baker, CEO & Founder of ANC Holdings LLC and Dr. Mariam Matar, Founder & Chairperson of UAE Genetic Diseases Association. As early as 10:30am saw family, friends and patients pouring into the clinic and many stayed till well past 2pm. Anna Pavlova’s violin provided beautiful melody and the canapés from Circle K café were quickly devoured by all. The event was abuzz with the warmth and love that were showered upon us from all corners and quarters and has left us truly humbled and overwhelmed.

Thank you everyone! I know it sounds a bit repetitive but the truth is without you, we would not be here today and on behalf of Dr. Pankaj Shrivastav and the entire Conceive team I’d like to tell you that we will strive to provide you with the best care we possibly and can will eternally uphold our guiding mantra – Let’s make you a family !

Cheers to new beginnings ☺

Dr. Daamini Shrivastav
PR, Media & Communications Manager


Conceive JLT hot off the press !


DubailifeTV full length interview

For those who missed it, catch Dr. Daamini Shrivastav interviewing Dr. Pankaj Shrivastav about all things infertility.


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Categorized as Newsletter

What? I can Eat Candy and Boost My Fertility at the Same Time?!

Hello, December! While the holiday season seems to begin earlier and earlier every year, and now I see holiday-themed items to buy in the stores as early as September, I still always think of the holiday season beginning in December. And not even early December, either. My sister’s birthday is December 10, so my mom… Continue reading What? I can Eat Candy and Boost My Fertility at the Same Time?!

Categorized as B Method

Coping with disappointment during IVF – A simple, three-step guide

Hi everyone – Eric here again with another in my series of posts on dealing with some of the challenging emotions of going through IVF. Over my past few posts, I’ve spoken about dealing with fear and dealing with stress. Today I’d like to talk about dealing with a feeling I had a lot during… Continue reading Coping with disappointment during IVF – A simple, three-step guide

Coping With Self-blame During Infertility

Depressed woman sitting on a chair in dark room at home. Lonly , sad, emotion concept.

  Self-blame. It’s a quiet little voice always lurking somewhere at the back of my mind. I could almost forget about it until it catches me unaware and pounces. Sometimes it surfaces when I see how amazing my husband is with our nieces and nephews, or when I notice how much our friends’ children love… Continue reading Coping With Self-blame During Infertility

An Embryonic tale

Time-Lapse Embryo Monitoring System (Primo Vision) Conceive – The Gynaecology and Fertility Hospital, which is always a pioneer in the field of Assisted Reproduction, has introduced a special system of microscopic monitoring of the embryos (time lapse). The system of microscopic monitoring is the newest development in the field of Assisted Reproduction and is expected… Continue reading An Embryonic tale