The Proof is in the Pudding – A Fitness Plan That Works!

Hello B Method Readers!   Cathy Broadwell here, co-author of the sister blog, Slow Swimmers & Fried Eggs where my husband Eric and I talk about our personal journey dealing with infertility. Fitness and nutrition were (and still are) a part of our personal life path as well as a strategy that we constantly worked… Continue reading The Proof is in the Pudding – A Fitness Plan That Works!

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A practical post: Coping tools and thought provoking reads

Hello everyone. Eric here again. This week’s topic: Dealing with stress, frustration, disappointment and uncertainty. What could that possibly have to do with infertility? Ha ha! We’ve been having a particularly rough few weeks here in Eric-and-Cathy-land – not as difficult as the journey Cathy chronicles in her posts about our struggles to have a… Continue reading A practical post: Coping tools and thought provoking reads

Bravery, Courage, Practicing Empathy and Rising Strong After We Fall

Cheers, dear readers, I recently had the opportunity to watch a live presentation by Dr. Brené Brown whose work on empathy I have lightly referenced here at SS&FE. She is an American scholar, author, public speaker, and is currently a research professor in Houston, Texas. She also has two New York Times Bestsellers under her… Continue reading Bravery, Courage, Practicing Empathy and Rising Strong After We Fall

15 minute full body blaster

Buffi Jashanmal brings you a 15 minute full body workout which can be easily squeezed in anywhere in your day – be it at home or in the office. Get your heart rate pumping, your blood surging and your fertility boosted with this full-body blaster 🙂 #conceivefitnessforfertility  

Categorized as B Method

B Method for Ramadan

Ramadan can be a tough time to maintain your regular fitness or diet routine, with fasting and the heat it can all be a rough summer. Don’t use Ramadan as an excuse to not keep healthy, you’ll only be paying for it afterwards. Instead of finding excuses, use this time for personal reflection and control.… Continue reading B Method for Ramadan

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Chocolate Peanut-Butter Bites

Monday night, 10 pm and the NEED of the hour was chocolate. Actually, wait, peanut-butter. Nope. Chocolate. No, peanut-butter. Chocolate. Peanut-butter. Chocolate. Peanut-butter …. AAARRRGGGHHH ! I NEEDED something sweet and creamy desperately and yet the now-much-stronger-will-power driven side of my brain wouldn’t let me ruin my clean eating streak and dive in into the… Continue reading Chocolate Peanut-Butter Bites

Categorized as B Method