Chickpea & Avo spread

Life today is perpetually hectic which means having to resort to shortcuts especially when it comes to food-preparation. But that doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthy. This week my experiments led me to combining two of my favourite items, guacamole and humous, into one luscious, delicious and super-easy spread. Oh and did I mention it’s… Continue reading Chickpea & Avo spread

Categorised as B Method

Stretch it Out !

Strength and Stretch compliment each other. People forget how important it is to include a good strength session at both the beginning and the end of a workout. There are various types of stretching that you can easily utilize: AIS, Myofascial Release and PNF are the three I want to introduce you to today.  … Continue reading Stretch it Out !

Categorised as B Method

10 tips for Anger Management

Cheers, dear readers, When our lifelong dreams are thwarted – especially seemingly through no fault of our own – it’s normal to feel angry. And dreaming about having a family is not just any dream – it is integral to what makes us human… The time is right for you to start a family now… Continue reading 10 tips for Anger Management

Categorised as B Method

Buttery Nuttiness !

We’re all aware that nut butters are particularly calorific and that store-bought nut butters are filled with sugar and cream and numerous preservatives just adding to the calorie count. But take away all that and you’re actually left with an incredibly healthy and tasty luscious spread. And that brought me to thinking, why not just… Continue reading Buttery Nuttiness !

Categorised as B Method

Cathy versus the Cheesecake… Hooray for Metaphors!

Ahhhh the amazingness (and sometimes anxiety) of the holidays. Here in America, the holiday season officially kicks off with Thanksgiving! A wonderful time of joyousness, celebrating family bonds, eating way too much rich foods, and also the occasional awkward moments as we traverse these family moments. Dealing with the struggles of infertility can be especially… Continue reading Cathy versus the Cheesecake… Hooray for Metaphors!

If It Is Weight Loss You Are After, Focus On Weight Training Versus Just Doing Cardio

Hey there… Mike here from B Method! Last week we discussed the difference between real weight loss and fake weight loss. Real weight loss is when you rid the body of actual body fat, and not just weight. When it comes to losing body fat (real weight loss), weight training is king. That may be… Continue reading If It Is Weight Loss You Are After, Focus On Weight Training Versus Just Doing Cardio

Categorised as B Method

And then there was one …

Cheers, dear readers, As I mentioned in my last blog post, medical procedures often focus on the biological level only, while the emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of the experience can be neglected or ignored completely. Conception is a powerful and sacred moment, and pregnancy is an awe-inspiring, miraculous experience that affects life’s deepest, core… Continue reading And then there was one …