Celebrating All Women – Love a Lovely Lassie Today!

Cheers, dear readers,
I would like to take a moment on our Slow Swimmers & Fried Eggs blog to do something very important. Practice Gratitude. And not just in general. But practice gratitude for all women. Today as I write this, it is International Women’s Day (March 8). I often talk here about the pressures that we as women face. Pressure to find a mate. To marry. To bear children. To mother. To be perfect. To look young and beautiful. To be thin.
Well, we women are not perfect. And some of us never marry. Many of us never have children. A lot of us are not thin. Quite a number of us have shed many tears through our painful experiences, through the dark forests that we find ourselves in. Sometimes, we don’t even know how we will survive another day, through our pain when those experiences engulf us in our darkest hours.
Yet somehow we get through it. We survive. We triumph. We hold hands. We embrace our loved ones. We love ourselves. And we love each other. We are all so very beautiful, cherished and loved. Let’s take a moment to enjoy this connection together. Today and everyday.
I found this passage that I wanted to share with you:
Love a woman today. Really love her. Do so in a way that stretches your heart, sets aside your ego, and your fear of rejection. Love a woman today, because without them, there would be no life, and frankly, a massively diminished reason for living.
Love a woman, because her very existence brings balance to this world, and her softness, no matter how many layers of defenses it may be covered in, will be the salvation of a world gone mad in selfishness; her true nature is a compassionate light for all mankind.
And it’s not in just one woman, it’s in every woman; look for it today. See in her eyes how its light flickers as an eternal flame in her Soul. Notice it. Be with it in silence. Find gratitude for it. Thank her for being. Just being.
Happy International Women’s Day.
~ Zachariah Kral
Sometimes in our darkest hours, it can be difficult to remember that we are resilient. We can fall down… hard… but yet we can rise again, even stronger and wiser than we were before. We learn from the lessons of life. We learn from each other. Whether we are mothers, sisters, friends, aunts, grandmothers, or daughters, we all have an important place here in our world. We all rely on each other… for inspiration, for cheerleading, for camaraderie, for a sense of love and belonging. Always remember that you are not alone. Reach out to us anytime that you need us here. We got your back!
Please join me next week to hear more about my personal journey down the infertility path. I look forward to speaking with you. And I wish you the best on your journey.
Warm regards,