In everything, give Thanks !

Cheers, dear readers,
In America this week, we are celebrating an annual holiday of Thanksgiving. I thought given that, it would be an appropriate piece of writing to share here to reflect on all of the things I am thankful for in regards to being an infertility survivor. Even in some of our biggest trials, we can always find the silver lining, as Eric said in an earlier post. What a great exercise to contribute here to the wonderful readers of this blog.
So without further ado, here is my Top Ten Things that I Am Thankful For as an Infertility Survivor:
1) My physical health – Going through infertility treatments can take its toll on your body and test your strength and resolve, while seeing how your body deals with the injection of hormones and all of the other procedures one must go through. There are many other women who also have to undergo surgery to remove fibroids in their uterus among other procedures. Today, I am grateful for my health, and my ability to exercise and increase my stamina and strength whenever I wish.
2) My solid relationship with my husband – I have read of many marriages that ended after battling infertility. I am grateful that for Eric and I, though we did have bad days, in the end, our common battle with infertility made our relationship stronger and even more solid than before. We have a shared experience that makes us close, and love each other even more for having gone through it together. Eric, I appreciate, love and thank you for being amazingly fantastic you, and love you to the moon and back.
3) The new friends I have made in the infertility community – Through reading and following various infertility blogs, supporting documentaries on the subject, and reaching out through social media, I have made new friends in the infertility community that I cherish. They help me feel not alone in my trials, and offer me much needed support and advice in the times that I need it most. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship.
4) The strengthened friendships with existing friends who have also gone through infertility – I have learned of many of my existing friends who have also gone through this experience who now have wonderful children of their own. They not only understand how lucky they are to have succeeded with treatment, but they also empathize with Eric and I and our journey. We now have a shared experience that we bond over as well as “get each other” on this sensitive topic.
5) The increase in my communication skills and feelings of empathy from going through such an experience – I’ve learned that my emotional health is just as important as my physical health. In dealing with very difficult topics, we must learn to be as sensitive as we can be in our word choice, and in how we may affect other’s feelings. Through study, research, and trial and error, I have been working on my own communication skills, as well as have gained a natural increased level of feelings of empathy for others and their own struggles, no matter what those struggles are.
6) Mental health professionals, alternative therapy professionals and their work – Dealing with challenging and not pleasant feelings of depression, deep sadness, anxiety, anger, loss is no picnic. I thank the professionals that have helped me get through these trying times via professional therapy and even acupuncture. I have learned much from these wonderful people, and have a new respect for those who work in helping others.
7) My friends who support me – I am extremely grateful for my friends who have not struggled with infertility themselves, but who have supported me through this journey, held me when I cried, listened when I needed to talk, have tried to step into someone’s else’s shoes to understand their pain a little better, and who take the time to read this blog. When we really try to be there for each other and “show up” in each other’s lives to fully support one another, magic happens, and bonds grow deeper. Connecting and sharing with loved ones is so rewarding.
8) My parents in heaven and my sister – I thank my parents for raising me, giving me their unconditional love and support and providing me with a fantastic education while instilling good values in me. I know that if they were alive today, they would want me to be happy in the end, even though I was unable to give them grandchildren. Their love for me would supersede their desire to carry on their line. I also am thankful for my sister’s support and love through this journey, as she tries to understand what we went through. Hugs to you, my awesome sister! See you this Thursday for Thanksgiving where I can tell you in person!
9) The lucky break to share my experiences here and help others through this blog – I hope that this blog serves as a resource for those struggling through their own infertility journey. I am honored to share my experience, lessons I have learned and thoughts with you here in an effort to help others wherever they find themselves on their life path. I also find writing to be rather therapeutic for me, thus this is a wonderful win-win of sorts. Thanks so much for reading, and for your support.
10) The opportunity to work with and meet Drs. Daamini, Nishi and Pankaj Shrivistav – It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know the Shrivistav family, their work, and their mission to help others via Conceive Hospital, these blogs, all while taking the time to educate and assist others, and show genuine concern for their fellow men and women, near and far. Not only are they pioneers in medicine, but it takes a bit of bravery and forward-thinking ingenuity to allow me to share my story here on a difficult and sensitive topic. I cannot wait to meet you all in the flesh when I visit next year!
Please join me next week to hear more about my personal journey down the infertility path. I look forward to speaking with you. And I wish you the best on your journey.
Warm regards,