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Something Sweet !
Got a sweet tooth like me? No problem. A treat every now and then is a good thing, and I am not the type of person to ban the things you love. Yes, we all know how bad refined sugar is, as how most these store bought “treats” often have more then you bargained for,… Continue reading Something Sweet !

SOUPER GREEN POWER SOUP MAKES ENOUGH FOR 4 HUNGRY PEOPLE, including leftovers What You Need In the Kitchen The Basics Soup Blender If you haven’t got a soup blender, YOU MUST GET ON! This simple to use kitchen appliance has changed my life. Without being dramatic, it really has! In the Shopping Basket FROZEN: 1… Continue reading SOUPER POWER

You got to tell yourself you love these! This is a full body work out like the sun salutations. SO a great way to get the body moving, tone up and if you only have 5 mins the perfect workout. Whether its your morning 5min work out or added into your workout routine, Burpees raise… Continue reading BURPEES !!!