SSFE Podcast #7 – Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle

Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle is a Canadian teacher and creator of, a french blog intended to inform, rally and celebrate the lives of women without children by choice or by circumstance.
Her website audience grew as Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle posted online a series of fascinating video interviews of childless and childfree women (and men), all of which completely debunk the stereotypes that portray childless adults as selfish, sad weirdoes who have nothing to contribute to the world!
In 2014, she won a silver medal in the “Activism and Social Justice” category at the Canadian Blog Awards for her work. Also in 2016, she won the “Certificate of Merit” from her town, St-Bruno-de-Montarville, recognizing the impact of her volunteer work on childless and childfree women around the world.
She also took part in the first NotMom Summit in Cleveland in 2015.
Listen to the full interview here —