Artificial Insemination or Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)
Artificial Insemination or Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or Artificial Insemination is a fertility treatment that includes placing sperm into the woman’s uterus to expedite pregnancy conception. The purpose of IUI (التلقيح الصناعي iui) is to increase the sperm numbers that reach egg as it travels down the fallopian tubes and eventually boosts the chances of fertilization. IUI is the least invasive infertility procedure and inexpensive when compared to IVF and ICSI.
Who Needs IUI Treatment?
This procedure is indicated for couples where the husband has normal sperm parameters or sperm with mild abnormalities and the wife has open fallopian tubes (these carry the egg from the ovary to the uterus). It is also recommended for patients who have difficulty during sexual intercourse.
Circumstances in which IUI Treatment (ما هو التلقيح الصناعي) may be recommended include:
Who have a hostile cervical condition, including cervical mucus problems
Cervical scar tissue from previous pelvic operations which may hamper the sperms’ ability to enter the uterus
Ejaculation dysfunction
IUI Treatment Process
This is the simplest form of Assisted Conception Treatment and the procedure is performed using the husband’s sperm. The woman’s ovaries are stimulated with the help of Gonadotrophin (a hormone) injections and the husband’s semen is collected. In the laboratory, the semen sample is first sorted through to pick out the fast-moving sperm, then washed and concentrated. At the time of ovulation, the prepared sperms are placed gently into the uterus by means of a thin, flexible catheter. The process takes just a few minutes and is painless.
What are the success rates of IUI?
IUI increases the chance of pregnancy to about 19-22%
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